Foxglove Beardtongue, Penstemon digitalis, is a flower that when I first encountered it, and wasn’t sure of its name, it immediately reminded me of a foxglove plant because of its flowers. After some research I couldn’t find much research on this specific plant but other members of the same genus have been used for multiple purposes. I would still recommend avoiding the use of this plant before more research can be done. The fact that it has Foxglove in its name should be enough to keep the more astute observer away, being that Foxgloves are extremely poisonous plants that will kill you. Other members of this genus have been used to make teas and beverages and animals have been observed browsing on these plants. American Indians such as the Creek, Natchez, Navajo and others have used this genus of plants for a variety of medicinal purposes. The more common medicinal uses were to relieve colds, coughs, consumption, whooping cough, snakebites, and toothaches.
Keep your eyes and ears open and your powder dry!
Foxglove Beardtongue Sources:
Moerman Daniel E., Native American Ethnobotany, Portland: Timber Press. 1998. Print. pg. 385
Newcomb, Lawrence. Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1977. Print. pg. 102-103
United States Department of Agriculture. Natural Resources Conservation Services. Web
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